For the countless individuals who depend on dentures to replace multiple or all of their teeth, the remarkable change they bring is undeniable. Dentures not only restore bite strength but also allow for the pleasure of having a full and attractive smile. While dentures are invaluable aids, safeguarding your oral health demands appropriate care. Explore the following three reasons that underscore the importance of soaking your dentures overnight in maintaining a healthy mouth.
#1. Give Your Gums a Break
The stability and support of your dentures rely on your gums, which can experience reduced blood flow over time, possibly causing tenderness and irritation. To prevent this, give your gums a break while you sleep. Allowing your gums to rest during this period ensures a revitalized and pain-free experience when you put your dentures back in the morning.
#2. Remove Bacteria and Plaque
Much like natural teeth, dentures accumulate plaque and bacteria throughout the day. To safeguard your oral health, it’s crucial to soak them overnight to effectively remove debris. Additionally, some dentures may lose their shape if not kept moist, necessitating soaking to maintain proper contours for comfortable fitting in your mouth.
Before soaking, meticulously brush your dentures using a soft-bristled brush and a nonabrasive cleanser. Then, place the dentures in a denture solution or a glass of cool, fresh water to eliminate bacteria. This routine ensures a fresh and clean set of teeth for the following day.
#3. Clean Your Remaining Teeth and Gums
As we age, oral bacteria levels tend to increase, heightening the risk of oral health issues, especially gum disease. To reduce the likelihood of such problems, it’s advisable to remove your dentures every night and perform a comprehensive cleaning of your teeth and gums. If you’re unsure about the safety of certain products, consulting your dentist for guidance is recommended.
Many patients find the lifelike and comfortable design of dentures tempting to wear while sleeping. However, it’s crucial to adopt the practice of soaking dentures every night to maintain optimal oral health and protect your smile from potential harm. By following this routine, you can ensure that your dentures continue to be in good shape as well as contribute to the overall well-being of your mouth!
About the Practice
Infinity Dental Care is committed to ensuring a comfortable, safe, and stress-free experience for patients in Hillsboro. If you’re facing the loss of multiple or all of your teeth, their dependable dentures can revive your smile, allowing you to enjoy activities like eating, laughing, and fully embracing life. Whether you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or seeking further information on dentures and the importance of overnight soaking, don’t hesitate to reach out to Infinity Dental Care at (503) 352-5116 or visit their website.